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山东红晨广告传媒有限公司 服务热线: 18006364777 15006402288


发布时间:2020-06-05 11:09:55  来源:https://www.hongchenad.com/  

  Hospital signs are mainly for the comparison of common, so what is the role of hospital signs? Why is the hospital logo system an important center of hospital project planning. Next, let's talk about the role of hospital signage?
  1、 Visual differentiation and transition
  Hospital identification system is mainly a way of visual information transmission. The rationality of timely and accurate information transmission is the service and obligation of hospital identification system. Give full play to the direction and warning function of the hospital sign. So that the audience can accurately understand the regional structure of the hospital, play its transition role of connecting space and guiding direction, so that the audience can quickly identify and correctly find the location they want to find.
  2、 The role of relieving visual fatigue
  The location of the hospital guide sign is mainly in the center where the flow of people is relatively large, such as the fork, building gate, floor corner, etc. These can not only play an indicative role, but also enrich the surrounding environment of the buildings, adding a lot of beauty to these ancient buildings. After getting used to green plants and buildings, seeing these relatively novel and beautiful hospital identification systems can also arouse people's attention and increase the impression of these user groups on the school.
  The above is about the role of hospital signs, I hope to help you.

